Monthly Archives for March 2017

Math class\:(

I guess math is okay I mean why can’t it solve it’s own problems iv’e seen talking numbers on youtube so math please solve your own problems. Because you are hard to solve and I have a question for you why must we need you to suceed in life or anywhere? isn’t that the question […]


Right now my cray cray(A good cray cray) thinks theirs going to be a tornado but i’m pretty sure it’s just a bad thunderstorm right;-(?( or are we all going to DIE!) i’m just kidding hope u make it home safely…

I wanna grow up/ who’s Ur favorite disney princess

When I was five years old I watched the movie A Little Mermaid. Aerial was the main character I even thought I was a mermaid till I saw the tail. She is my favorite princess because when I was five I wanted to grow up very fast so I asked my mom for coffee and […]